Appendix 75




SEBI‑RUW Circular No. 1(93‑94), Dated 19‑11‑1993


With the passing of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 and notification of SEBI (Underwriters) Rules and Regulations, 1993 no person shall carry on any activity as an Underwriter unless he is registered with SEBI under section 12 of the Act. SEBI has started processing of applications which are already received for the purposes of granting Certificate of Registration to certain underwriters in terms of rule 4 and regulation 8 of SEBI (Underwriters) Rules & Regulation, 1993. Besides this, every stock broker and merchant bankers in Category I, II and III holding a valid Certificate of Registration under section 12 of the Act shall be entitled to act as an underwriter in terms of proviso to rule 3 of SEBI (Underwriters) Rules, 1993. All such persons acting as underwriters, whether as a registered underwriter or as registered stock broker or as a registered merchant banker, will hereinafter be referred to as Registered Underwriters (RUW).


In terms of powers conferred on it under section 11 of SEBI Act, 1992, SEBI shall from time to time issue operational guidelines/instructions to the Registered Underwriters by means of circulars. This is the first circular in the series. Further circulars would bear continuous serial numbers valid for the relevant financial year. All RUW should ensure compliance with instructions contained in such circulars besides SEBI (Underwriters) Rules and Regulations, 1993.


A.        Registration


1.         The registration granted pursuant to Chapter II of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Underwriters) Regulations, 1993 (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), will be for the principal as well as for the branch officers in India of the underwriters.


2.         The registration number contained in the certificate of registration should be quoted in all the correspondence with SEBI, Government authorities, Stock Exchanges and its clients.


B.        General


1.         Correspondence relating to registration and clarification on Guidelines/ Circulars issued by SEBI shall be made only by the principal office of the underwriter and not by the branch offices.


2.         Regulation 26 provides for penalty for suspension/cancellation of registration for persistent defaults by the Underwriters. However, in order to give an opportunity to the Underwriters to make up the deficiencies in their functioning and to strengthen their machinery, SEBI may issue warning letters or penalty point advices by which underwriter would be forewarned in respect of their omissions. An underwriter who, despite the receipt of three warning letters of penalty point advices, does not show improvement or fails to make up the deficiencies, may be subjected to action for default in terms of regulation 26, as the case may be.


3.         Underwriting agreement‑In terms of regulation 14, the underwriters are required to enter into a legally binding underwriting agreement with the issuers. Accordingly, SEBI has evolved a model underwriting agreement (Annexure A) after ascertaining the views of the merchant bankers, underwriters, etc. The draft has been formulated with a view to bring about standardisation in the legal relationship between the issuer company and the underwriters. While the issuer company and the underwriters are free to suitably modify the agreement depending upon the circumstances of each case, they should, as far as possible, observe the spirit behind various clauses contained in the model agreement. While doing so, it must also be ensured that neither party should reserve for itself any rights, which would have the effect of diminishing in any way its liabilities and obligations under the Companies Act, 1956 and SEBI (Underwriters) Rules and Regulations, 1993.


4.         Underwriting obligations‑Attention of the Registered Underwriters is drawn to regulation 15(2) in terms of which the total underwriting obligations under all the agreements shall not exceed twenty times the net worth referred to in Regulation 7, ibid.




Model Underwriting Agreement between Underwriter and Issuer‑company


The Board of Directors


____________ Ltd.




Dear Sirs,


Reg.:    Forthcoming Public Issue of _______ Shares/debentures of Rs ______ each for cash at par/premium aggregating to Rs _______ ("the public issue")


1.         We hereby record that we (hereinafter referred to as "the Underwriter") have agreed to under write/ procure subscription to shares/debentures of Rs. ________ each for cash at par/premium agregating to Rs. _______ (Rupees ________ only) (hereinafter referred to as "the underwriting obligation") for the captioned public issue by _______ Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") on the following terms and conditions:


2.         Opening of the subscription list.‑ The subscription list for the public issue shall open not later than three months from the date of this agreement or such extended period(s) as the underwriter may agree to in writing. The subscription list shall, unless the issue is fully subscribed, be kept open by the company for a maximum period of 10 calender days failing which the underwriter shall not be bound to discharge the underwriting obligations under this agreement.


3.         To make available final copy of the prospectus.‑ The company shall before delivering to the Registrar of Companies (hereinafter referred to as "ROC") make available lo the underwriter a copy of the prospectus, which shall be as modified in the light of the observations made by SEBI while issuing the acknowledgement card. Ile underwriter shall before executing this agreement satisfy himself with the terms of the issue and other information and disclosures contained therein.


4.         Delivery of prospectus to the Registrar Companies.‑ The prospectus in respect of the public issue shall be delivered by the company to the ROC for registration in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 not later than 30 days from the date of this Agreement or such extended period(s) as the underwriter may approve in writing, the time being the essence of this Agreement.


5.         Material disclosures after filing of prospectus.‑ The company agrees that, if after filing of the propectus with the ROC any additional disclosures are required to be made in the interest of the investors in regard to any matter relevant to the issue, the company shall comply with such requirements as may be stipulated by SEBI or the lead manager and compliance of such requirements shall be binding on the underwriter; provided that such disclosures shall not give a right to the underwriter to avoid underwriting obligations unless such subsequent disclosures are certified by SEBI as being material in nature and essential for the contract of underwriting; the question whether or not such subsequent disclosures are material in nature, the decision of SEBI shall be final and binding on both the parties.


6.         Making available copies of prospectus and application form, etc‑ The company shall make available to the underwriter minimum of ___________ (No. of application forms forming part of abridged prospectus) and ________ (number of copies of the prospectus) for every lakh of rupees of underwriting accepted by the underwriter. If the underwriter desires to have more application forms and propectus than specified he must state his requirements which would then be considered as condition for acceptance of this underwriting Agreement. Thereafter, it is responsibility of the company to deliver to the underwriter the accepted quantity of application forms and prospectus as soon as the prospectus is filed with the ROC but in any case not later than 21 days prior to the date of opening of the public issue, proof of which, should be retained by the company.


7.         Warranty as to statutory and other approvals.‑ The company warrants that all consents, sanctions, clearances, approvals, permissions, licences, etc., in connection with the public issue as detailed in the prospectus or required for completing the prospectus have been obtained or will be obtained and the same shall remain effective and in force until the allotment of all the shares/debentures are completed.


8.         Sub‑underwriting arrangements.‑ The underwriter shall be entitled to arrange for sub underwriting of its underwriting obligation on his own account with any person or persons on terms to be agreed upon between them. Notwithstanding such arrangement, the underwriter shall be primarily responsible for sub‑underwriting and any failure or default on the part of the sub underwriters to discharge their respective sub‑underwriting obligations, shall not exempt or discharge the underwriter of his underwriting obligation under this agreement.


9.         Treatment of applications made with underwriters/sub‑underwriters stamp for the purpose of allotment.‑ The application bearing the stamp of the underwriter or, as the case may be, the sub‑underwriter whether made on their own behalf or otherwise shall be treated in the same manner as the applications received directly from the members of the public and, in the event of the issue being over­subscribed, such applications shall be treated on par with those received from the public and under no circumstances, the applications bearing the stamp of the underwriter or the sub‑underwriter shall be given any preference or priority in the matter of allottment of shares /debentures.


10.       Computation of underwriter's obligation.‑

(1)        If the issue is under sub scribed, the underwriting obligation, shall be determined in the manner set out hereunder, provided that under no circumstances, the underwriter's obligation to subscribe/procure subscription to shares/debentures shall exceed the amount mentioned in clause 1 above.


(2)        The following applications for shares/debentures shall be treated pro tanto in or towards satisfaction of the underwriter's obligations under this Agreement, namely­


(a)        applications which have been accepted excluding those withdrawn before allotment; and


(b)        applications received from the underwriter or any of his sub‑underwriters including those applications which bear the stamp of the underwriter or any of the sub underwriters.


(3)        After making adjustments as Provided in sub‑clause (2) above the underwriting obligation of the underwriter and other underwriters shall be, subject to following further adjustments:-


(a)        The application received from the public independently, i.e., those applications not covered under sub‑clause (2) above shall be apportioned amongst all the underwriters. Where underwriting obligations have not been fully satisfied after adjustments under sub‑clause (2) above in proportion to their respective underwriting obligations and to that extent their respective under writing obligation shall stand reduced.


(b)        If, after the adjustments made under sub‑clauses (2) and (3)(a) above, it is found that the shares/debentures available for adjustment are in excess of the shares/debentures required to. be subscribed in fulfillment of the underwriting obligations of one or more individual underwriters, then such excessn amount required to meet the underwriting obligations of any underwriter shall be further apportioned amongst such other underwriters, whose underwriting obligations have not been fully discharged, in proportion to their respective underwriting obligations.


11.       Procedure for effecting/discharge of underwriting obligations.‑ The underwriting obligations as determined under clause 10 shall be discharged in the manner mentioned below:


(a)        the company shall within 30 days after the date of closure of subscription list communicate in writing to the underwriter, the total number of shares/debentures remaining unsubscribed, the number of shares/debentures required to be taken up by the underwriter or subsciiption to be procured there for by the underwriter,


(b)        the company shall make available to the Underwriter, the manner of computation of underwriting obligation and also furnish a certificate in suppoprt of such computation from the company's auditors,


(c)        the underwriter on being satisfied about the extent of devolvement of the underwriting obligation, shall immediately and in any case not later than 30 days after receipt of the communication under sub‑ clause (a) above, make or procure the applications to sub scribe to the share/debentures and submit the same together with the application moneys to be company.


(d)        in the event of failure of the underwriter to make the application to subscribe to the shares as required under clause (c) above, the company shall be free to make arrangement(s) with one or more persons to subscribe to such shares without prejudice to the rights of the company to take such measures and proceedings as may be available to it against the underwriter including the right to claim damages for any loss suffered by the company by reason of failure on the part of the underwriter to subscribe to the shares as aforesaid.


Note :   The company is free to quantify the damages being multiple of the value of the shares/debentures not subscribed by the underwriter.


12.       Right to receive underwriting commission/ brokerage.‑ Subject to the underwriter fulfilling his underwriting obligations, he shall be entitled to receive commission in respect of the underwriting obligation undertaken by him and brokerage in respect of the shares/debentures procured by him at the rates set out in clause 13 hereunder. The underwriting commission shall be only if his underwriting commitment is fully subscribed.


13.       Underwriting commission.‑


(1)        In consideration of the underwriter agreeing to underwrites/ debentures as mentioned in clause 1 above, the company shall pay to the underwriter a commission at the following rates:


Note:    The rates as mutually negotiated between the company and the underwriter may be inserted. Needless to say that the rates so agreed upon shall be subject to the provisions of section 76 Companies Act, 1956.


(2)        The underwriting commission shall be payable by the company within 15 days from the date of finalisation of allotment and proof of such payment within the specified time should be available with the company. The obligation to pay underwriting commission shall arise only upon the underwriter fulfilling his underwriting obligation and duly subscribing to the shares/debentures, if any devolved on him.


14.       Obligations of the company.‑ (1) The company shall immediately after the closure of the subscription list, take expeditious steps for processing the applications and complete the allotment he time limit prescribed under the Companies Act, 1956 and also comply with other listing requirements.


(2)        the company fails to receive 90% of the issue amongst including the amount received from Underwriters towards devolvement, within 60 days from the date of closure of subscription list, company shall refund the amount paid by the underwriter in fulfillment of his underwriting obligations. The obligation to refund the moneys shall be without prejudice to the disputes, if any, in the underwriting obligation to the underwriter.


15.       Time is the essence of the agreement.‑ All obligations of the company and the under writer subject to the condition that time wherever stipulated, shall be of the essence of the agreement. Consequently any failure on the part of the company or the underwriter to adhere to the As shall unless otherwise agreed to between the company and the underwriter, discharge the underwriter or company of his/their obligations under the underwriting agreement.


16.       Right of termination under special circumstances.‑ Notwithstanding anything contained he underwriter shall have the option to be exercised by at him any time prior to opening of as notified in the prospectus of terminating this agreement under any or all of the follow instances:


(i)         If any of the representations/statements made by the company to the underwriter and/or in the application forms, negotiations, correspondence, the prospectus or in this letter are or are found to be incorrect;


(ii)        a complete breakdown or dislocation of business in the major financial markets, affecting the cities of Calcutta, Bombay, Madras or New Delhi;


(iii)       declaration of war or occurrence of insurrection, civil commotion or any other serious or sustained financial, political or industrial emergency or disturbance affecting the major financial markets of Calcutta, Bombay, Madras or New Delhi.


17.       Notice of termination to the company‑ Notwithstanding anything contained in clause 16 the event of the company failing to perform all or any of the covenants within time limits specified wherever applicable under this letter of underwriting, the underwriter shall inform the company with adequate documentary evidence of the breach/non-performance by Registered post/Speed post and acknowledgement obtained therefore, whereupon the underwriter shall be released from all or any of the obligations required to the performed by him.


18.       Networth of the underwriter.‑ The underwriter, hereby declares that he satisfies the networth/ capital adequacy requirements specified under the SEBI (Underwriters) Rules and Regulations, 1993 or the bye‑laws of the stock exchange of which the underwriter is a member and that he is competent to undertake the underwriting obligations nmentioned in clause 1 hereinabove.


19.       Registration with the SEBI.‑ The underwriter hereby declares that SEBI has granted to him a certificate of registration to act as an underwriter in accordance with the SEBI (Underwriters) Rules and Regulations, 1993 or, he has applied for registration to SEBI within the time stipulated under sub‑section (1) of section 12 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 and is entitled to carry on the business as an underwriter under the SEBI Act.


20.       Reference to arbitration.‑ Any dispute arising out of this agreement between the under­ writer and the company shall be referred to the Arbitration Committee constituted by the Regional Stock Exchange in which the shares/ debentures are to be listed and the decision of the Arbitration Committee shall be final and binding on both the parties.


Yours faithfully,

                        For       ____________

                        (Signature of the underwriter)


We, the company ________ Ltd. the above named do hereby accept your offer for underwrit­ing on the abovementioned terms and conditions.


Authorised signatory ____________


            For ___________________ Ltd.


Designation ______________


Authorised by a resolution passed at the meeting of the Board of Directors held on the ____________ day of ______ 19 ___